Thursday, September 8, 2011

ben bernanke Speak In Minneapolis today sept 8 2011

ben bernanke Speak In Minneapolis today sept 8 2011 ; Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is in Minneapolis today to speak to the Economic Club of Minnesota luncheon.

Folks will be parsing his words carefully for clues to upcoming Fed moves, but with President Obama's jobs speech coming tonight, the timing might not be right for Bernanke to hint at any changes.

The Wall Street Journal reported this morning that: "Investors were looking ahead to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's speech in Minneapolis, scheduled at 1:30 p.m., EDT, for any clues of what the central bank intends to do about the sluggish economic recovery."

The Economic Club of Minnesota says that its sponsored speeches, like Bernanke's, provide "a high-profile, non-partisan platform for national and international leaders in business, government and public policy to present their ideas on how Minnesota can better compete in the global economy and how America can most effectively provide world leadership on economic and strategic issues."

Update ben bernanke Speak In Minneapolis

bernanke 8-9-2011, bernanke speech Minnesota september 9 2011, ben bernanke speech sep 8 2011, ben bernanke september 2011, bernanke press conference september 9 2011.

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